Monday, July 30, 2007

Volunteers Needed on Hanover, MA Town Committees, PTA

A lot of important work is done in many of our Massachusetts towns by volunteers. Hanover, MA is no exception in needing volunteers Right now, residents are needed to fill positions on the School Building Committee and the Fee Study Committee.

If you are interested in either of these positions, you can see a description of School Building Committee's role as well as a form to fill out to message the Town Moderator, Doug Thomson or just email him , at Town Moderator. You can also call 781-878-3438.

The Hanover PTA is also looking for several volunteers. If you would like to participate in any way, you can email any of the current executive board members, Dianna Shaw, Kathi Thomson, Tricia Elkhill, Barbara Mitchell, or Jessica Nimeskern.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hanover Band Summer Concert Link

The Hanover Band Committee has put together a wonderful Summer Concert Series. From now, thru the end of August, guest performers will entertain at the Bandstand on Saturday evenings, starting at 7 p.m.- 9 p.m. The Hanover Bandstand is located on Route 139 in Hanover Center. All performances are free, open to the public, and handicap accessible

For the Labor Day show will be held on Monday, Labor Day, from 6:00 to
7:30 p.m.

We've read that the Bandstand Committee is seeking a new Chairperson. Residents of Hanover who are interested in being appointed to that position, should contact the Town Moderator, Doug Thomson, at or call 781-878-3438.

If you'd like more information on the responsibilites of the position and co-ordination the Summer Concert Series, contact the current Chairperson, Linda DiNardo @ 781-826-8019.

To check out the Bandstands website, including information on the Series, the Donors and how to make a Donation.